The Hidden Gems of Horror: 12 Lesser Known Books Just As Creepy As Your Favorite Halloween Classics (Part 2)

The human imagination is a unique thing in Nature. It allows us to take the experiences of our lives (the good with the bad) and express them in ways beyond the literal. C.S. Lewis used his intense religious faith to create a seven book long Christian allegory in The Chronicles of Narnia series. Hunter S. … Continue reading The Hidden Gems of Horror: 12 Lesser Known Books Just As Creepy As Your Favorite Halloween Classics (Part 2)

Hardcover vs Softcover: A Matter of Weight

We live in strange times. Work hours are increasing, pay is stagnating and in places all over the country (particularly Boston) rents are shooting up. Living space is at a premium, and only getting more premium-y with each passing year. In these terrible times laden with both Fear and Loathing, where a college education has … Continue reading Hardcover vs Softcover: A Matter of Weight