The Five Most F*cked Up Books You’ll Ever Read (For Now…)

            Probably the earliest film legend that exists involves the story of the Lumiere Brothers’ 50 second film “Arrival of a Train at La Ciotat.” Supposedly, when this film (a literal 50 second clip of a train arriving at a train station) aired in 1895, the idea of film was so new that audience members … Continue reading The Five Most F*cked Up Books You’ll Ever Read (For Now…)

Eating with No Reservation Recipe 03: Bodega Sandwich

For as long as humans have been getting high and telling stories, artists of all stripes have been infamous for their love of both. Behind a surprising amount of authors of note, there have been monkeys on their backs helping (hampering?) the creative process. Charles Dickens and Mary Shelley were zonked out of their minds … Continue reading Eating with No Reservation Recipe 03: Bodega Sandwich

Eating with no Reservations Recipe 01: Meat Loaf

Remember that animated film Ratatouille with the rat that sounded like Patton Oswalt? Remember that scene where the nursing home Nosferatu looking food critic eats a piece of ratatouille and is transported back to when he ate it as a child? The French apparently have an expression for that exact event, so claimed an old … Continue reading Eating with no Reservations Recipe 01: Meat Loaf

How to Find Great Deals After the Holiday Season

Happy New Year!!! Cannot believe that 2019 is finally here. While the major holiday season is now behind us, that does not mean that you cannot find great deals. This is the perfect time of the year to check out stores and see what holiday items they have placed on sale. Below we will go … Continue reading How to Find Great Deals After the Holiday Season

Merry Christmas from our family to yours

Merry Christmas and happy holiday season! We want to take the time to wish you and your family/friends a Merry Christmas. We hope that this holiday season brings you so much happiness and great new memories. Also, we want to say thank you for taking the time to either read, like, comment, or all of … Continue reading Merry Christmas from our family to yours

Make your own churro Christmas tree delight

Cannot believe that Christmas is already here! Today we are going to make a yummy Churro Christmas Tree which we will be sharing at the stroke of midnight. If you would like to make your own, please check out Karina's website which thoroughly goes over how to make the recipe and the prep time. Now lets … Continue reading Make your own churro Christmas tree delight

DIY holiday mason jar cookies for your loved one

Jeff and I have been brainstorming different DIY gifts we want to share with loved ones. So far we have tested a few cookie recipes (which we will share in future posts) and now we are testing the Christmas cookie in a jar by Sally's Baking Addition. Once we made the first mason jar cookie … Continue reading DIY holiday mason jar cookies for your loved one

Now is the time to decorate your entryway with holiday decor

December is finally here, meaning it is time to bust out holiday and winter decor! Today we will go over ideas on how to decorate your entryway and where you can go to get these cute items! All about the doormat A great way to start the holidays decor train is by picking the right … Continue reading Now is the time to decorate your entryway with holiday decor

An inviting entryway to greet your guests on thanksgiving

Welcome to our sixth Thanksgiving themed posts. If you have been keeping up with all of our Thanksgiving tips/recipes, we want to say THANK YOU! If this is your first time reading our post, WELCOME and make sure to check out all of our Thanksgiving related posts here. In today's post, we will focus on … Continue reading An inviting entryway to greet your guests on thanksgiving