Eating with No Reservation Recipe 02: Mac & Cheese

Compared to other books, a cookbook has a pretty complicated job. Novels focus on providing entertaining stories and academic works (for better or worse) focus on being informative above all else. Cookbooks have to do a mix of both. Without the correct tone and pictures, a cookbook is likely to be passed over no matter … Continue reading Eating with No Reservation Recipe 02: Mac & Cheese

Eating with no Reservations Recipe 01: Meat Loaf

Remember that animated film Ratatouille with the rat that sounded like Patton Oswalt? Remember that scene where the nursing home Nosferatu looking food critic eats a piece of ratatouille and is transported back to when he ate it as a child? The French apparently have an expression for that exact event, so claimed an old … Continue reading Eating with no Reservations Recipe 01: Meat Loaf

Beef Bourguignon of your slow cooker dreams

Even though Christmas is already over, we still have one more major event to look forward to, aka New Year! If you are going out to a fun event this New Year, we hope you have an amazing time! If you are planning to either host or attend a friend/family party, then we have a … Continue reading Beef Bourguignon of your slow cooker dreams